17 Fabulous Close to my Heart Consultants are celebrating the recent release of the Spring 2010 Idea Book by showing you some of our creations with the wonderful new products from Close to my Heart!
This is simple do to- just click on the link at the end of the post on each blog to move to the next one! Here we go!
Like many people, one of my New Year's resolution is to get organized- and this means all my craft "Stash". I used the new My Creations Journal to create my own "Stash Book" to list and track all my Close to my Heart supplies and purchases: Ink and Cardstock colors, Stamp Sets, and Paper Packets!

I then divided up the pages to track different products using the new Tiny Tabs (oh so cute). To track my Stamp Sets, I used Friendship Alphabet (if you did not get this when it was a promotion, it is now in the Spring 2010 Idea Book!) to title my pages, and then listed out each of the Sets I own according to category (Spring, Summer, Everyday Celebration, etc). The pages come blank, so I used an old favorite, Journaling Jots, to create the lines. Here is a picture of my Alphabet Stamp page:

My Creations Journal *NEW*
Rock On Paper *NEW*
Irresistable Lots of Dots Color-me-Ready Alphabet *NEW*
Ink: Indian Corn Blue, Outdoor Denium (letters), Smokey Plum (edges)
Tiny Tabs *NEW*
Sparkles (Itty Bitty now available!)
Inside: Journaling Jots stamp set (for lines), Friendship Alphabet Small (for titles)
Now "Hop" on over to Lisa's Blog http://www.lisascreativecorner.blogspot.com/
to see her work! Be sure to visit all the Consultants at their Blogs to get some great crafting ideas and see the great new Paper Packs, My Acrylix Stamp Sets, and amazing new embellishments!
See something you like? Want to purchase some of these fabulous products? Contact me at tazzygirl2000@yahoo.com!
**Link not working? Missed a Blog? Here is a list of all the participating blogs:
Erin Herring www.tazzygirl2000.blogspot.com
Lisa Stenz http://www.lisascreativecorner.blogspot.com
Brae Montogmery http://thebrae-er.blogspot.com
Carla Ironside http://carlacreates.blogspot.com
Helen Onulak www.hookedonstamping.com
Adeline Brill http://adeline-brill.blogspot.com
Jody Gustafson www.cre8nmemories.blogspot.com
Haley Dyer www.inkyscrapper.blogspot.com
Antoinette Herrin www.godblessyourART.blogspot.com
Sherrie Thornton http://impressionableart.blogspot.com
Jessica Moore http://jessicaspaperpetals.blogspot.com
Wendy Kessler www.myscrapbookingblog.com
Dawn Ross http://iamahappystamper.blogspot.com
Dawn Heuft www.stamptildawn.blogspot.com
Kimberly Smith http://verykimberry.blogspot.com
Amy Edwards www.paisleysplayhouse.blogspot.com
Amy Schultz http://amylizschultz.com/
Happy Hopping and Happy Creating!
What a great use of the journal!
Oh this is adorable. I love those papers and the dot alpha...so cute!
Very cool idea! I love how everything comes together. Remember, though, that CTMH can stand for "Can't Tell My Husband," so watch where you leave that journal laying around! LOL
Wow!! Love your artwork AND the organizational idea!! I may have to try that.
Love how you used two-toned color on the alphas!
Great job. Loved how you showed the alphabet!
Those new dotted letters look great. Really like how you two-toned them.
What a beautiful organizer. Love it.
Ooooo - love the Lots of Dots Color Ready Alphabet with the You Rock papers! And the journal - just fabulous! Great job!
Great idea! I love how you used a protector on the front (excellent idea for the kiddos who like to change up the cover!) I love it!
Thanks for all the comments! Sherrie- the great thing is the My Creations Journal COMES with the protector already on there! It is GREAT!! I was really happy when I opened the package- it is relatively inexpensive and the quality is great! Now just to finish writing in all my stamps! Happy Creating, and thanks to everyone who participated in the Blog Hop! I feel so inspired right now!
I love this, it makes me want to go play with this paper right now, thanks so much for planning the hop again!
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